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Motor vehicle collisions or road traffic collisions are a massive problem worldwide. Data from the World Health Organisation reports that there are around 1.2 million deaths every year and this is the leading cause of death internationally for children and young adults aged 5-29 years. In the UK there are around 1,500 deaths annually and
Welcome back to the podcast and to November’s Papers of the Month! We start off looking at the rate of pneumothoraces in patients following ROSC after a medical cardiac arrest. What is the incidence? Are there any risk factors? And how might this affect our index of suspicion and imaging practice? We’ve spoken before about
In this episode we’re going to be running through adrenal presentations; both Adrenal insufficiency and Adrenal Crisis. There are some parts of these that aren’t completely understood and a lack of a universal definition of Adrenal Crisis, but both insufficiency and a crisis are similar problems at different points on a spectrum and solid understanding