Welcome back to the podcast!
We’re back with three really interesting papers after our summer break, with some great points to think about with regards to our practice and patient outcomes.
First up we take a look at the CT FIRST study which looks at the benefit of whole body CT in patients presenting with a ROSC after their out of hospital cardiac arrest with no obvious cause. Should we be more liberal in our imaging requests in this patient cohort?
Next up we have a think about thrombolysis for massive PEs. When it comes to these patients we have to consider the very real potential complications of thrombolysis and that can often dissuade us from treating them. This paper looks at an alternative dose in thrombolysis and describes some really interesting results.
Finally we take a look at a CT study which is scanning trauma patients after they have died. What injury patterns do they find, which injuries would have been amenable to treatment and are there any lessons on practice to be learnt?
Once again we’d love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom and we’ll see you back in September!
Simon & Rob
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Zoll; Totem Medical Masterclass