Welcome back to the podcast!

It’s brilliant to be back after our summer break and we’ve got three great papers for you.

First up we take a look at a paper looking at the association the a geriatric assessment can make on the mortality of patients aged 65 years and older, admitted with significant injuries to our UK major trauma centres.

Next up we take a look at a newly proposed method to simple chest compressions in cardiac arrest, by comparing it to chest and abdominal compression and decompressions.

Finally we take a look at the diagnosis and management of TMJ dislocations and guarantee there will be a new technique in there for all of you!

Once again we’d love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via twitter @TheResusRoom.

Simon & Rob

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A national study of 23 major trauma centres to investigate the effect of a geriatrician assessment on clinical outcomes in older people admitted with serious injury in England (FiTR 2): a multicentre observational cohort study. Braude., Lancet Longevity. 2022

Evaluation of abdominal compression-decompression combined with chest compression CPR performed by a new device: Is the prognosis improved after this combination CPR technique?. Haishan Li. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2022

Managing Temporomandibular Joint Dislocations. Michael Gottlieb. Ann Emerg Med. 2022