So this month we’re looking at major incidents and specifically the triage process that is now coming into play in the UK and further afield that you need to know about!
We normally stick pretty strongly to clinical topics; they’re pretty easy to focus on because you can imagine how extra knowledge in a certain clinical area could make a difference to presentations that we see pretty commonly. And being brutally honest making the effort to prepare and rehearse what we might do, on the off chance that we ever come across a major incident, can be difficult to motivate yourself to do.Â
But this is probably an area that investing a bit of time in, really thinking about how you would act in a major incident, could make a phenomenal difference to what may be one of the most, if not the most challenging clinical days of your career.
In the episode we run through Ten Second Triage (TST) and the Major Incident Triage Tool (MITT). They replace the previous triage methodologies and are to be implemented by the end of this month. We also cover some other aspects of planning and approach for being the first responder at a major incident, and we were lucky enough to gain some insights to the new triage process from Phil Cowburn, an EM & PHEM consultant who was involved in their development.
Once again we’d love to hear any thoughts or feedback either on the website or via X @TheResusRoom!
Simon, Rob & James
Now that you have listened to the podcast, start the quiz to add it to your CPD Diary
NHSE; Major Incident Triage Tool
NARU; Ten Second Triage – Non Clinical Responders
Ten second triage: A novel and pragmatic approach to major incident triage. Vassallo. Trauma. 2024
Clinical guidelines for major incidents and mass casualty events