Those of us who are a bit longer in the tooth have spent most of our careers not scanning everyone who sustained a head injury on warfarin, but in 2014 NICE published guidance suggesting we do just that.
At times, with the huge burden we place on our radiology services, it is difficult not think we’re over doing things with all of these scan requests, especially when the patient has no adverse symptoms or signs. Fortunately the AHEAD study has just been published which looks at thousands of patients presenting to ED’s on warfarin with a head injury.
The paper is open access and deserves a full read, in this podcast I run through some of the main parts of the study and have a think about how it might impact on our practice.
This is just one part of the puzzle on the management of patients with anticoagulated head injuries, we had a look previously on what to do if you perform a scan and that appears normal in our Anticoagulation, Head Injury & Delayed Bleeds Podcast.
Make sure you leave any comments or feedback on the podcast at the bottom of the page.
Related Resources
NICE Head Injury Guidelines 2014
Anticoagulation, Head Injury & Delayed Bleeds Podcast
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